Simon Ouderkirk
Simon Ouderkirk is DRIVEN.
I first meet Simon Ouderkirk in Binghamton, NY at the famous Belmar bar. He has
gone from a buddy I knew at the bar to one great friend. We both made the move
from Binghamton to New England and he helped show me the town of Providence.
Simon can brew a serious cup of coffee, is always good conversation over a cold
brew, he's a true family man, and is always down to help his friends. All of those
things make him DRIVEN.
Here is some more information about Simon straight from him.
1) Where are you from and where do you currently live?
- I grew up in a dairy farming town so small it didn't even have a name really, just a direction - Westernville, NY, just outside of Rome, NY. I think in the last census the population was something like 500 people. Since then I've bounced around Upstate NY quite a lot, spent some time in New England, and have landed in Saratoga Springs, which is north of Albany, about halfway between Manhattan and Montreal.
- I work for Automattic, the software company that is behind the website building service I'm a team lead there, working to make sure our customers are the happiest customers on Planet Earth! I also do a little coding here and there.
- Ride my bike of course! I love road riding as well as hitting the trails on my beat-up old Giant Iguana. I also put together an interview podcast called Trellis to Table, which is all about helping small farmers break into the craft brewing industry - hop farmers, breweries, that sort of thing. I also like to hang out with my two ladies of course - my wife Casey and our little one - she goes by Mango.
- A bike's never completed, you know? Right now it's cobbled together with the parts I had on my old frame and what I had in the garage - I have big, big plans for my Wolf Pack, but I'm also super impatient, and wanted to get riding ASAP! It's a pretty standard fixed setup - I'm really pleased with my saddle, which is an old leather Brooks that has somehow escaped multiple bikes being stolen.